Submissions from 2024
Miss Southeast: Essays, Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers
Submissions from 2023
The Other Great Game: The Opening of Korea and the Birth of Modern East Asia, Sheila Miyoshi Jager
Insignificant Things: Amulets and the Art of Survival in the Early Black Atlantic, Matthew Rarey
The Milky Way Smells of Rum and Raspberries … and Other Amazing Cosmic Facts, Jillian Scudder
Submissions from 2022
Class and the Communist Party of China, 1921-1978: Revolution and Social Change, Marc J. Blecher, David S.G. Goodman, Yingjie Guo, Jean-Louis Rocca, and Tony Saich
Class and the Communist Party of China, 1978-2021: Reform and Market Socialism, Marc J. Blecher, David S.G. Goodman, Yingjie Guo, Jean-Louis Rocca, and Beibei Tang
Ethnographic Refusals, Unruly Latinidades, Alexandra E. Chavéz and Gina M. Pérez
A Voice but No Power: Organizing for Social Justice in Minneapolis, David M. Forrest
Koreatown, Los Angeles: Immigration, Race, and the American Dream, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee
Storia delle prime volte, Stiliana Milkova
Freedomland: Co-op City and the Story of New York, Annemarie Sammartino
Submissions from 2021
Piano-Playing Revisted: What Modern Players Can Learn from Period Instruments, David Breitman
Putin's Labor Dilemma: Russian Politics between Stability and Stagnation, Stephen Crowley
What Kind of Island in What Kind of Sea, Franz Fühmann, Dietmar Riemann, and Elizabeth C. Hamilton
At the Threshold of Liberty: Women, Slavery, & Shifting Identities in Washington, D.C., Tamika Nunley
Submissions from 2020
In the Service of Krishna: Illustrating the Lives of Eighty-four Vaishnavas from a 1702 Manuscript, Emilia Bachrach
Tráfico de saberes: Agencia femenina, hechicería e Inquisición en Cartagena de Indias (1610-1614), Ana María Díaz Burgos
Los días hábiles, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón
Life: The Science of Biology, 12th edition, David M. Hillis, Craig H. Heller, Sally D. Hacker, David W. Hall, Marta Laskowski, and David E. Sadava
Hearing Homophony: Tonal Expectation at the Turn of the Seventeenth Century, Megan Kaes Long
Broederstrijd in Korea: Het oneindige conflict tussen Noord en Zuid (Brothers at War: The Unending Conflict in Korea), Sheila Miyoshi Jager and Roelof Posthuma
Whale Snow: Iñupiat, Climate Change, and Multispecies Resilience in Arctic Alaska, Chie Sakakibara
Buddhist Healing in Medieval China and Japan, C. Pierce Salguero and Andrew Macomber
Politics as a Science: A Prolegomenon, Philippe C. Schmitter and Marc J. Blecher
The Fabric of Empire: Material and Literary Cultures of the Global Atlantic, 1650-1850, Danielle C. Skeehan
Submissions from 2019
Opt Art: From Mathematical Optimization to Visual Design, Robert Bosch
A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament: The Hebrew Bible in its Context, Michael D. Coogan and Cynthia Chapman
Preciosos perdedores, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón
Principles of Life, David M. Hillis, G V. Price, Richard W. Hill, David W. Hall, and Marta Laskowski
Impossible Desire and the Limits of Knowledge in Renaissance Poetry, Wendy Beth Hyman
Practice and Theory in the Italian Renaissance Workshop: Verrocchio and the Epistemology of Making Art, Christina Neilson
Williams County Obscura, Heath Patten
Mohammed VI's Strategies for Moroccan Economic Development, Eve Sandberg and Seth Binder
Astroquizzical: A Beginner's Journey Through the Cosmos, Jillian Scudder
Submissions from 2018
Inquisition, Kazim Ali
Silver Road: Essays, Maps, and Calligraphies, Kazim Ali
Storm of the Sea: Indians and Empires in the Atlantic's Age of Sail, Matthew Bahar
Cooking Data: Culture and Politics in an African Research World, Crystal Biruk
How to Land: Finding Ground in an Unstable World, Ann Cooper Albright
Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War: History, Fiction, Photography, Sebastiaan Faber
Approaching the Fields: Poems, Chanda Feldman
An Environmental History of India: From Earliest Times to the Twenty-First Century, Michael H. Fisher
Uyuyor Diyorlar, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón
The Waters and the Wild, DeSales Harrison
A Poetry Precise and Free: Selected Madrigals of Guarini, Nicholas Jones
Controlling Desires: Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome, Kirk Ormand
Astroquizzical: A Curious Journey Through Our Cosmic Family Tree, Jillian Scudder
Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Leonard V. Smith
Submissions from 2017
Militarizing the Nation: The Army, Business, and Revolution in Egypt, Zeinab Abul-Magd
Mad Heart Be Brave: Essays on the Poetry of Agha Shahid Ali, Kazim Ali
Trajectories of Neoliberal Transformation: European Industrial Relations Since the 1970s, Lucio Baccaro and Chris Howell
Developmental Neurobiology, Lynne M. Bianchi
Ill Will: A Novel, Dan Chaon
The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures, Michael D. Coogan and Cynthia Chapman
Librarian As Mentor: Grow, Discover, Inspire, Eboni A. Johnson
Friendship as a Worldview, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati
Dangerous Years: Climate Change, the Long Emergency, and the Way Forward, David Orr
Season of the Second Thought, Lynn Powell
The Work of Mothering: Globalization and the Filipino Diaspora, Harrod Suarez
Submissions from 2016
Uncle Sharif's Life in Music, Kazim Ali
The House of the Mother: The Social Roles of Maternal Kin in Biblical Hebrew Narrative and Poetry, Cynthia Chapman
Office Hours: One Academic Life, Harry Hirsch
Signing and Belonging in Nepal, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway
Ethics of War and Peace in Iran and Shi'i Islam, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati
The Art of Survival: France and the Great War Picaresque, Libby Murphy
Statistics for the Life Sciences, 5th ed., Myra L. Samuels, Jeffrey Witmer, and Andrew Schaffner
For Dignity, Justice, and Revolution: An Anthology of Japanese Proletarian Literature, Ann Sherif
Instrumental Investigations: A Laboratory Manual of Forensic Analytical Chemistry, Robert Q. Thompson
Submissions from 2015
Spirituals: A Multidisciplinary Bibliography for Research and Performance, Kathleen A. Abromeit
Resident Alien: On Border-crossing and the Undocumented Divine, Kazim Ali
Ancient Sex: New Essays, Ruby Blondell and Kirk Ormand
Gongs & Pop Songs: Sounding Minangkabau in Indonesia, Jennifer Fraser
David Smith in Two Dimensions: Photography and the Matter of Sculpture, Sarah Hamill
The Cultural Politics of European Prostitution Reform: Governing Loose Women, Greggor Mattson
Forgiveness Forgiveness, Shane McCrae
Citizen, Student, Soldier: Latina/o Youth, JROTC, and the American Dream, Gina M. Perez
Late Sophocles: The Hero’s Evolution in Electra, Philoctetes, and Oedipus at Colonus, Thomas Van Nortwick
Nationalism, Myth, and the State in Russia and Serbia, Veljko Vujacic
Submissions from 2014
Wind Instrument, Kazim Ali
Distant Wars Visible: The Ambivalence of Witnessing, Wendy Kozol
Apuleius and Africa, Ben Lee, Ellen Finkelpearl, and Luca Graverini
At the Mercy of Nature: Shackleton's Endurance Saga Gives Promise for Our Future, Carl McDaniel
History of Latinos: Exploring Diverse Roots, Pablo R. Mitchell
The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece, Kirk Ormand
Talk Show Campaigns: Presidential Candidates on Daytime and Late Night Television, Michael Parkin
Racial Reckoning: Prosecuting America's Civil Rights Murders, Renee C. Romano
Moroccan Women, Activists, and Gender Politics: An Institutional Analysis, Eve Sandberg and Kenza Aqertit
Burdens of Political Responsibility: Narrative and the Cultivation of Responsiveness, Jade Schiff
Fictions of the Bad Life: The Naturalist Prostitute and Her Avatars in Latin American Literature, 1880–2010, Claire Solomon
Senecan Tragedy and the Reception of Augustan Poetry, Christopher Trinacty
World Film Locations: Florence, Alberto Zambenedetti
Submissions from 2013
Imagined Empires: A History of Revolt in Egypt, Zeinab Abul-Magd
Sky Ward, Kazim Ali
STAT2: Building Models for a World of Data, Ann R. Cannon, George W. Cobb, Bradely A. Hartlaub, Julie M. Legler, Robin H. Lock, Thomas L. Moore, Allan J. Rossman, and Jeffrey Witmer
Engaging Bodies: The Politics and Poetics of Corporeality, Ann Cooper Albright
Astonished Thinking: Dickinson and Heidegger, Jed Deppman
Distal Impact Ejecta Layers: A Record of Large Impacts in Sedimentary Deposits, Billy P. Glass and Bruce M. Simonson
A New History of Asian America, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee
改变中国:洛克菲勒基金会在华一百年 (Change of China (100 Years History of Rockefeller Foundation in China)), Qiusha Ma
Brothers at War: The Unending Conflict in Korea, Sheila Miyoshi Jager